About us

ICP Hub Sahara is as an official branch of the Internet Computer Protocol ecosystem.

Investing In The Digital Future

About ICP Hub Sahara

ICP Hub Sahara stands as an official branch of the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) ecosystem, dedicated to advancing the mission of ICP within the West African region. We are a vibrant hub committed to not only spreading the word about ICP on a global scale but also to fostering a thriving developer community and nurturing a burgeoning ecosystem of web3-based startups that fully harness the power of the IC.

Our Vision

We envision a future in which the internet stands fully decentralized, with web3 innovations driving positive change across industries. By providing the resources, knowledge, and unwavering support required to develop web3 solutions on the IC, our aim is to empower West African developers and entrepreneurs to assume leadership roles in this transformative era.

Our Mission

ICP Hub Sahara stands resolute in its mission to propel ICP's vision forward in the West African region. Our mission encompasses:

  • Fostering awareness and understanding of ICP and its extensive applications.
  • Empowering developers with the expertise required to excel in the web3 era.
  • Nurturing and supporting startups to leverage the IC for groundbreaking innovations.
  • Collaborating closely with thought leaders, influencers, and the community.
  • Hosting a diverse array of events, training initiatives, workshops, hackathons, and interactive sessions.