Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency: (Government’s Concerns and the Potential of Blockchain Technology)

June 20, 2024

Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency: (Government’s Concerns and the Potential of Blockchain Technology)

Nigeria, being one of Africa's economic powerhouse, has a delicate relationship with cryptocurrency. While the nation has a booming tech scene and a high rate of cryptocurrency adoption, the government has taken a cautious stance, issuing warnings and implementing restrictions on cryptocurrency exchanges.

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has taken a firm stance against cryptocurrency transactions, citing several reasons for this opposition. However, while the government battles the use of digital currencies, the underlying technology—blockchain—offers transformative potential that extends far beyond cryptocurrency. That is why there have been empowering collaborations between ICP.Hub Sahara and Nigeria's National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) in shaping the future of blockchain in Nigeria.

Reasons for Government's Opposition to Cryptocurrency

The Nigerian government, particularly through the Central Bank of Nigeria, has been vocal about its concerns regarding cryptocurrencies. These concerns are multifaceted:

Regulatory and Security Concerns:

The CBN has highlighted the lack of regulation in the cryptocurrency space, which poses significant risks. Cryptocurrencies operate in a decentralised manner, making it difficult for regulatory bodies to monitor and control transactions. This absence of oversight can lead to illegal activities such as money laundering, terrorism financing, and fraud.

Volatility and Economic Stability:

Cryptocurrencies are notorious for their price volatility. The value of digital currencies can fluctuate wildly within short periods, posing risks to investors and potentially destabilising the economy. The CBN has expressed concerns that the widespread adoption of volatile assets could undermine Nigeria's financial stability.

Consumer Protection:

The government is also concerned about protecting consumers from the risks associated with cryptocurrency investments. The speculative nature of digital currencies can lead to significant financial losses for uninformed or inexperienced investors.

Loss of Sovereign Control:

Cryptocurrencies operate independently of central banks and governments, which can undermine a country's sovereign control over its monetary policy. This loss of control is a significant concern for the Nigerian government, which seeks to maintain its authority over financial regulation.

Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency: A Broader Perspective

While cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum dominate headlines, blockchain technology—the foundation of these digital currencies—holds much broader potential.

Blockchain offers a range of benefits for Nigeria's development. In government, it can increase transparency and reduce corruption by creating a tamper-proof record of transactions. This can be applied to areas like public procurement to rebuild public trust. Furthermore, blockchain technology can expand financial inclusion by providing secure and accessible banking services to unbanked populations.

Beyond governance and finance, blockchain can improve supply chains. By tracking products from origin to consumer, it can ensure authenticity and reduce fraud in sectors like agriculture and pharmaceuticals. Additionally, blockchain technology has the potential to strengthen democratic processes by creating secure and transparent voting systems. Finally, in healthcare, blockchain can secure patient data, streamline medical records, and improve pharmaceutical supply chain management, leading to better patient care and reduced fraud.

The Future of Blockchain in Nigeria

One of the promising developments in Nigeria's blockchain landscape is the collaboration between the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) and the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA). This collaboration aims to harness the potential of blockchain technology to drive digital innovation in Nigeria.

The Nigerian government's concerns about cryptocurrency are rooted in legitimate issues of regulation, security, volatility, and consumer protection. However, dismissing the entire blockchain technology due to these concerns would be a missed opportunity. Blockchain offers transformative potential that can address critical challenges in governance, financial inclusion, supply chain management, and beyond. The collaboration between ICP, NITDA and other blockchain bodies in the country, represents a forward-thinking approach to harnessing blockchain's potential for national development. By focusing on education, pilot projects, regulatory frameworks, and innovation hubs, Nigeria can position itself as a leader in blockchain technology, driving economic growth and improving the quality of life for its citizens.