Leveraging Tokens as an asset in Blockchain Projects

June 3, 2024

Leveraging Tokens as an asset in Blockchain Projects

The Internet Computer Protocol ICP is home to the growing ecosystem of dapps that are scalable, interoperable and decentralized. Tokens which can be stored in ICP wallets, swapped on DEXs, collected as NFTs or tipped to friends while chatting can be tagged as an integral part of blockchain projects.

ICP token holders can also participate in IC governance by staking ICP and voting on proposals. ICP can be converted into cycles for Internet Computer resources, remunerated for node providers operating protocol machines, and participate in token swaps of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) on the IC. Let’s take a look at how you can generate and leverage your own tokens on ICP

Overview of two major Token Projects on ICP

DSCVR (Discover)

DSCVR is a decentralized social network built on ICP. It uses tokens to reward content creators and active participants in the community. DSCVR encourages user engagement and content creation by integrating token-based incentives, driving the platform's growth.


Distrikt is a professional social network leveraging ICP to offer a decentralized alternative to platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. The platform uses tokens to provide premium features and incentivise user contributions, such as networking and content sharing. This token-based model ensures that users are fairly compensated for their participation.

To get started with building your tokens on ICP, here’s a detailed article that could be of help.

The Role of Tokens in Blockchain Projects

1. Value Transfer and Transactions: Tokens enable seamless and efficient transfer of value within a blockchain ecosystem. This capability is fundamental to decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, where tokens facilitate peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries.

2. Governance: Many blockchain projects utilise tokens to distribute voting power among users. This decentralized governance model allows token holders to influence the project's direction, fostering a community-driven approach to development.

3. Incentive Mechanisms: Tokens can be used to incentivise participation and contribution within the network. For instance, users earn tokens by providing liquidity, securing the network, or contributing to the codebase.

4. Access to Services: Some tokens act as an access key to specific services or features within a blockchain project. This utility aspect enhances user engagement and drives demand for the token.

5. Fundraising: Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Security Token Offerings (STOs) are popular fundraising methods in the blockchain space.

Token sale development is a promising approach for projects seeking innovative funding methods, engagement with audiences, and growth. It offers increased access to investment capital, enabling businesses to raise funds more efficiently and at a lower cost compared to traditional fundraising methods. Token sales also provide access to global capital markets, eliminating geographic barriers and tapping into a vast pool of liquidity.

The Internet Computer Protocol provides a valuable platform for token creation, offering scalability, interoperability, and decentralization. By studying projects like DSCVR, Distrikt, and CanCan, developers can learn how to effectively utilize ICP to create impactful and sustainable token economies. As the blockchain space continues to evolve, the role of tokens and the potential of protocols like ICP will undoubtedly become even more significant.