The Integration of ICP with AI; Here’s what Dominic Williams has to say…

June 20, 2024

The Integration of ICP with AI; Here’s what Dominic Williams has to say…

The founder of ICP, Dominic Williams in one of his Interviews about the integration of ICP with AI, stated that he believes the integration of the Internet Computer Protocol and AI has vast potential, allowing users to run their own AI models on the blockchain. He highlights that the Internet Computer is already equipped to support these advanced features.

The integration of AI with ICP blockchain technology is a significant advancement. This fusion improves ICP's functionality and opens doors for new decentralised applications (dApps). This innovation promises a new era for blockchain by enhancing efficiency, security, and scalability.

AI That Is A Smart Contract: Why And How by Dominic Williams

While there's excitement around AI-focused blockchains and tokens, Williams emphasises DFINITY's focus on the core concept: revamping blockchain computing. He views ICP as a unique "crypto cloud" for building anything with smart contracts, capable of handling massive transaction volumes and providing ample resources for running AI.

The development community around ICP is actively exploring ways to integrate AI into their projects. Some of the strategic plans include:

- AI-Driven Governance: Implementing AI algorithms to facilitate more democratic and efficient governance models within blockchain networks.

- Decentralized AI Marketplaces: Creating platforms where AI models and datasets can be traded securely, ensuring the provenance and integrity of the data.

- Collaborative AI Development: Encouraging open-source contributions to AI projects on the blockchain, fostering innovation and collaboration among developers globally.

AI and Blockchain: Perfect Partners

In another interview on Cryptonews podcast, Williams noted that projects like OpenAI have shown the immense potential of AI, though they represent "centralisation on steroids." He believes the future will see millions of individual AI models focusing on specific tasks, and these will become prevalent in Web3 applications. For instance, content recommendation neural networks, like those on TikTok or Instagram, will be common on the decentralised web.

However, Williams warned about the potential risks, including the vulnerability of AI models to hacking and misinformation. He argues that AI must be tamper-proof, a goal achievable through smart contracts and blockchain-based strong authentication. Williams stated, "When you think about it, AI and blockchain fit together perfectly. Blockchain is the only way of creating a tamper-proof, unstoppable compute platform."

Power of AI-Based DeFi

Williams pointed out that blockchain technology, particularly in crypto and DeFi, can be complex for everyday users. AI can simplify this by allowing users to interact with blockchain systems using natural language instructions. For example, a user could instruct an AI crypto wallet to execute specific transactions based on predefined conditions, making complex actions accessible to non-technical users.

On the Internet Computer, smart contracts can be invoked instantly, enabling seamless interactions with decentralised systems. This convenience is a significant advantage, allowing users to manage their crypto assets and perform trades effortlessly.

Running AI as a smart contract involves replication, and the Internet Computer allows users to choose the level of replication. The current limitation is the 4GB memory cap due to 32-bit WebAssembly, moving to 64-bit WebAssembly will increase this to 32GB. This will enable the blockchain to support large language models like GPT-3 and GPT-4.

DFINITY's roadmap includes Single Instruction/Multiple Data (SIMD) instructions to enhance the performance of AI smart contracts. Williams highlighted two major projects: Utopia, aimed at creating private, tamper-proof clouds for enterprises and governments, and Orbit, an open-source project for decentralised crypto custody.


The integration of ICP with AI is a significant leap forward in the evolution of blockchain technology. As Dominic Williams highlights, the synergy between AI and blockchain can unlock new potentials, driving innovation and efficiency across various applications. With developers actively working on leveraging this integration, the future of decentralised technologies looks promising, paving the way for more intelligent, secure, and scalable blockchain solutions. The ongoing development and successful deployment of dApps on ICP further attest to the protocol's growing influence and the transformative potential of this technological amalgamation.